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Foundations of Yoga for Chronic Pain and Fatigue
Welcome!! (3:30)
Disclaimer, Waiver
Why is this important? Why are we doing yoga?
Bonus! (2:59)
My yoga toolkit
Centering breath aka how to start a practice (1:10)
Tabletop/Cat and Cow (3:48)
Seated neck stretches (1:59)
NEW! Mountain and forward bend (variations) (6:41)
Mountain (2:45)
Forward Bend (3:48)
Child's Pose (3:38)
Seated Eagle (1:47)
Downward Dog (4:18)
Seated hamstring stretch (1:41)
Check in and invitation
Breathing 101
Breathing 101
Let's talk breathing (5:15)
Your 10 minute breathing practice download
Bedtime Yoga
Bedtime Yoga (8:17)
Bed lower body stretch (1:28)
Body Scan Meditation
How's it going?
Chair Yoga (14:09)
Sun salutations (11:13)
Transition from Plank to Downward Facing Dog (3:02)
Meditation (5:13)
Legs on a chair relaxation (1:55)
Bonus: Legs on cushion with guided relaxation (5:48)
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Seated Eagle
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