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Working with chronic pain & fatigue
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How can yoga help me at work? (5:49)
Resources Toolkit
Working with Chronic Pain and Fatigue Cheat Sheets
My Working with Chronic Pain and Fatigue Plan DOWNLOAD this first
Working with chronic pain and fatigue workshop AKA what to do
The Workshop (13:06)
Yoga at work with chronic pain and fatigue
Discreet desk yoga (5:10)
Full seated yoga class (12:17)
1 minute breathing break
Mindfulness break 3 minutes
Body scan meditation 7 minute break
Yoga Nidra Profound Rest for Your Break
5 minute Seated Movement Break (4:53)
Seated Yoga Stretch for Tension (7:16)
After Work Tools
Restorative class for anytime pick me up (13:58)
Full restful class for evening (61:41)
Yoga Nidra Rest 30 minutes
Brief seated stretch and breathe (7:16)
My Pain Relief Plan
My Flare Plan
Yoga for a Neck Headache (13:04)
Wrap up
Wrap up
Mindfulness break 3 minutes
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